Thursday, September 20, 2007

This is very Meaningful...

Dreams: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Purpose: Your vision becomes clear when you look inside your heart.

Passion: Belief fuels passion, and ... passion rarely fails.


People are like sticks od dynamite. The power's on the inside...
... but nothing happens until the fuse gets lit.


Courage: Does not always roar. Sometimes it is the quiet voice at the end of the day, saying, "I will try again tomorrow."

Goals: Take the long view ... one day at a time.

Stay Positive: You become what you think about.

Attitudes: Truly are Contagious. So ask yourself one question... Is mine worth catching?

Simplify: Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.

Laughter: is a sunshine in any life and is your heart's way of telling your face to smile.

Expect the best: It's a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.

Kindness: It's not the things you get, but the hearts you touch, that will determine your sucess.


Sing your song: A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.


Love: Doesn't make the world goes round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

Renewal: The will to win ... the will to achieve ... goes dry and arid without continuous renewal.


In many ways, we're alike; However, one little difference always makes a big difference. The little difference is ... ATTITUDE!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Baby Blanket

Baby Ashley's blanket is COMPLETED! Finally I have managed to finish it in time! LOL!

This is my first time doing patchwork blanket. Quite regretted that I didn't pay much attention during Home Econs time as I have came across a lot of obstuctions. Many thanks to Yong! He has been helping me alot! Overall not that fantastics but appearance looked nice. Hope Baby Ashley will not mind wor...

I did not do full blown quilting as I know that I am unable to handle it. Hence sew double square stitch line to join the patchwork and the quilt batting so that the batting will not shift.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ugly Teeth Mould

Notice that the mould has upper front teeth that were tilted inwards? Sound familiar right?! Heehee... That's belong to me!

No more choosing of the colour for plastic ring and now I have said good bye to it! LOL! Last Wednesday has picked up my retainer and got to wear for 24/7. Only remove the retainer during my eating. Not really used to it as I experience a lot of saliva in my mouth. My orthodontist has advised me to get a container to keep my retainer when I remove it for certain reasons hence bought a Fusia colour for my retainer. Not cheap wor cost S$3.80! Hahaha Doris has given me a sticker label and when she passed it to me I was wondering what is it for... She told me it is a LOST & FOUND label. Heeehee.. so cute right?!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

After Braces always Retainers

Why retainers?

After your orthodontic treatment is finished, and your braces are removed, you will need retainers to hold your teeth in their new positions.

For how long do I need to wear retainers?

It takes time for the bone and all the tissues around your teeth to reorganize and therefore it is necessary to use retainers until your bite stabilizes. In the first month after the braces are removed, the risk of relapse is very high. Relapse means that the teeth will go back to near the original positions. Rotated teeth can take up to one year or more to stabilize after treatment. If you had gaps between your teeth before treatment, the retention period will be held longer.

Usually retainers are worn for as long a time as you have had your braces. If your teeth move back to their original positions, you may need fixed braces again to correct them.

What will my retainers look like?

The retainers are individually designed to prevent teeth from going back to original positions. The retainer can be a removable appliance or a fixed wire bonded at the back of your front teeth.

Do I have to wear them all the time?

Your orthodontist will prescribe the retention plan that is best for you. Some retainers are used full time in the first 6 months, and after that, just at night for a few years. Other retainers are worn full time 4-7 days, and after that, just at night. Fixed retainers are normally kept in place for 5 years.

It is important that you use your retainers as instructed.

Removable retainers should be taken out during eating, contact sports and when you brush your teeth. To clean the retainers, remove them first and brush them in

tap water using a toothbrush and some toothpaste. Brush your teeth after this.

The safest place for your retainers is in your mouth. If you are not using the retainers they should always be kept in a box. There is a great risk of loosing retainers if they are wrapped in tissue paper after you remove them from your mouth.

How will retainers affect my daily life?

A removable retainer has a wire holding the front teeth. It will be visible but much less than the fixed braces. If you have a removable retainer in your upper jaw, it will take you one to two days to get accustomed to them and be able to speak properly. It is normal to experience a lot of saliva in your mouth with a new retainer. Always bring the box for your retainers to be kept in should you need to remove them for some reason. If you have a fixed retainer, you should spend more time to brush the back of your teeth. You have to brush all around the wire so that calculus will not form. You will be instructed on how to use dental floss with a floss-threader. You have to remember not to use your front teeth to bite on hard food and objects. Fixed retainers do not affect speech.

Will my teeth never change when the period of retention is over?

Bone has the capacity to change and remodel for as long as we live, that is why a broken bone can heal. From 20 to 50 years of age, faces mature and teeth continue to push forward, causing crowding of the lower front teeth.

This happens regardless of whether you have had wisdom teeth removed, extractions of teeth or previous orthodontic treatment for crowded teeth.

To avoid the risk of late crowding, removable retainers can be worn at night for a longer period and fixed retainers kept in for more than 5 years. Adult patients usually sleep with their retainers on for the rest of their lives, if they want their teeth in perfect alignment.

Straightening Teeth

Orthodontics is treatment to improve the alignment of the teeth. Some people call this "straightening of crooked teeth". There are now several ways of straightening teeth and making your smile more attractive.

"Braces" - the layman's term for the appliances that are fixed to the teeth to straighten them.

Braces can also be discreet if they are made of porcelain (ceramic). Porcelain, or ceramic, braces are often worn by adults who don't want their braces to be so noticeable. Unless someone is really up close to you, porcelain braces are barely noticeable. Ceramic braces cost more than metal ones.

Fixed braces consist of brackets and bands bonded or cemented to your teeth (to get a hold of them), and very thin metal wires that gently push your teeth into their right positions. The wire is tied into the brackets with a steel ligature or a coloured plastic ring. Some brackets have clips to hold the wires and no ties are needed. Brackets can be made of metal or tooth coloured ceramic or plastic. Ordinary fixed braces are bonded to the front of your teeth. There are also braces that can be bonded on the back of your teeth (lingual braces).

Steps in Fixed Braces Treatment

First Visit:

X-rays, photos and impressions for plaster study models of your teeth are done. Your orthodontist will plan your treatment using these records. Very often permanent teeth are removed when they are crowded and there is not enough space in the jaws for all of them. The extractions are done just before or just after the fitting of your braces.

Second Visit:

Your orthodontist will explain the treatment plan and the braces suitable for your condition. Before braces are fitted, separators (small plastic “doughnuts”) are placed between your molars for a week to create spaces for the molar bands but depend s on individual.

Third and Fourth Visits:

Bands are cemented and brackets are bonded to the front of your teeth.

Subsequent Visits:

Every 4 to 8 weeks. Adjustments are made to the braces by way of wire-changes, adding springs, elastics or other accessories.

NOTE: Accessories are necessary to make your braces work. Elastics are often used to get your upper and lower teeth to bite together properly. Facemask, headgear or biteplate are sometimes used with fixed braces. It is very important to use all accessories exactly as you have been told, if not, progress of the treatment stops and may in some cases, reverse.

When treatment is completed:

Your fixed braces will be removed at a deband appointment, followed by removal of cement and polishing of your teeth. Moulds of your teeth in their new positions are taken to make retainers. After your braces are removed, you will need retainers to hold your teeth in their new positions for the next few years.

How will braces affect my daily life?

Speech: With regular fixed braces, speech is normally not affected at all. However, if your condition requires a palatal expander appliance to be fitted at the roof of your mouth, this may interfere with your speech. If you have lingual braces, you will take some time to learn to speak properly with the braces.

Brushing with braces: With braces on, your teeth are more difficult to clean. Do not leave food on your braces. Brushing your teeth properly after every snack and meal will reduce the risk of decay and gum disease. In addition, 5 minutes of brushing are needed every morning and night. Have your toothbrush available to brush after meals as well as at your orthodontic visits. You can use disclosing solution to check if your teeth are clean. You will need to replace your toothbrush more often as it will wear out faster.

Eating and diet restrictions: Eating hard food or biting on large pieces of food may dislodge the brackets or bands and damage the wires. Avoid eating nuts and biting on nails or pencils. Do cut hard fruits into small and thin pieces before eating them. Avoid food and drinks with high sugar content such as sweets and soft drinks.

Pain and discomfort: It takes up to one week to get accustomed to your braces. Initially your cheeks and tongue will chafe from rubbing against the brackets and bands. Your teeth will also feel sore but you will get used to your braces in a couple of days. After each adjustment of the braces, you will also feel some discomfort as your teeth start to move.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

偏愛 (Biased Love)

Find this song not bad. Get to know this song from a HK drama serial.

K:相信一個他 深愛一個他
偏偏太害怕 每日每夜晚
看著聽著都有他 知我總太差
迫你聽說話 重覆妄想不耐煩

S:知你深愛他 知你需要他
不知道辦法 你共我合拍
我願坐著聽廢話 知你不算差
終有真愛吧 明天有新鮮事煩


K:轉瞬之間 不斷掙扎 常怨被枉蹧蹋
合:心著面無窮無盡說話嗎 都已將心血花
S:得妳分擔憂千百 時間讓愛轉淡

S:知你相信他 知你深愛他
K:雨夜你別怕 我伴你在聽雨灑
S:知你聲太沙 請你不說話

轉瞬之間 不斷掙扎 常怨被枉蹧蹋
心著面無窮無盡說話嗎 都已將心血花
得妳分擔憂千百 時間讓愛轉淡

Monday, September 3, 2007


Heehee... not me leaving wor... His name is Jason, his colleague. Going to be a patent lawyer and leaving Singapore for 1 year to go for training in California.